Pat Pulsifer Yingling
Recently we were thrilled to learn that Miss Pulsifer, a 9th grade teacher almost all of us had, had learned about our site from her niece, and signed our guestbook! Bob Holland, tireless searcher as he is, contacted her, and arranged to get some photos she, like the rest of us, still had. Pat Pulsifer, or Pat Yingling as she is known today, now lives in Indianapolis, IN, having retired from teaching in 1990. The comments in quotes are her own.

"1961 France [TRAB]Air Field. Pat top in white sweater then Margo. I forgot the others." |

"1961 France. Left to right:
Ann Richardson
Jan Schwartz
Pat Pulsifer Yingling
& I forgot the others" |

"Is that Bobby Holland in the white shirt last seat? Toul Spring 1961"
(note: we *think* the boy on the left may be Dennis Cox, and from the back on the left, Bobby Holland, Dave Grant, and (maybe) Jim Thomas?) |

"Do not remember. Toul, France 1961"
(note: We think the boy may be Bill Dicus. Not sure who the girl is. We thought it might be Elaine, but I don't think so!) |

"1960. More peaceful than today!! - which is always loaded with tourists" |

"Paris 1960. Not much traffic!" |

"The Square in Montmartre, Paris.
Ann Richardson in Bandana, taught 3rd grade (I think)
Jan Schwartz, the tall girl in the black coat, taught in grade school.
Fall 1960" |

"Pat & Margo (I forgot her last name). She taught 1st grade
Rheims, France
In front of the building where the WWII surrender was signed
1961" |

"Pat returning with bread, in Riberac, Dorlogne France at a friend's B&B
2000 Summer" |

Pat is now 84(!) (in 2009) |
Contact Pat
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If you have old photos or programs or ANY other memorabilia of ANY kind
about dependent or any other activities at Toul-Rosieres AB during the early 60's, please
let us know know!
We will work with you to tell you how to get them scanned and will post them here!
There are a number of FREE alternatives that are available in most communities,
and there are certain guidelines we prefer you to follow in the sizing, etc of the photos.